Jonathan Cahn URGENT MESSAGE 🔴
This book is dedicated to my grandchild. Isak(Isaac),
who so prematurely died from us.
The name of Isaac means
laughter. There was instead of laughter a great sorrow,in connection whit the
birth of Isaac.We have no answer about the many questions about sorrow and
suffering.But we know that Jesus is suffering whit us.We know also that all
suffering shall turns to joy for they who take their refuge to Jesus.We look
forward to meet Isaac again in heaven on later point of time Then shall our
Oskar Edin Indergaard.
No One Believed What God Told This
Jewish Boy
O Death, Where is Your Sting? – Dr.
Ron Rhodes
But thanks be to God, which giveth
us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Latter Rain Revelation | Shavuot
Pentecost Message 2024 | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
Amir Tsarfati: Who are the Real
Amir Tsarfati: Judaism, Zionism, and
It is the only time in history that the Church
and Israel is present in History at the same time.
Rabbi Died & Saw SHOCKING Truth About The Messiah! |
Discovering the Jewish Jesus with
Rabbi Schneider
Towards the Time of Jacob’s Trouble – Pastor Brandon Holthaus
Matsu Valley Messianic Jewish
Israel: Gods Prophetic
Clock Hagee Ministries
Watch God's Chosen People of
Promise The Jews & National Israel
Psalm 83, ISIS, Islam,
Israel & God's Plan for the Future
Dead Sea Scroll Mysteries | Josh
Rapture, False Prophet, & Millennium
FOUND In Old Testament Cypher | Dustin Blystone |
our Jewish Brethren | Oliver Melnick
OF PORTALS IN THE BIBLE- What is the Third Heaven?
COVENANTS THROUGHOUT THE BIBLE | The Garden of Eden, Isaac & Jacob
5785: Judgment & Final Resolution Coming!
(Prophetic Word)
Part 1
Page 13-16-23
The different levels in the word of God .
The Hebrew way of thinking.
Prophetic words distinctive character.
Part 2
Page 32 to 51
The parenthesis in Tanach (Tanach = Old Testament)
The symbolic meaning of the Harvest celebrations
The 12 first Patriarchs in
names of the 12 sons of Jacob.
The different
meetings Moses had whit God
Tamars twin birth.
Other patterns of the Christian community in Tanach.
General statement of
Part 3
The Ages
The spiritual basis for The Kingdom for
Part 4
The first preaching of Jesus
Jewish Torah
The change of the contends in the Torah of God
The contends in
the five books of Moses
Jesu new Torah will consist of 30 commandments
The different Torahes in the history of Salvation
The abrupt time age
The (renewed) covenant in the blood of Jesus
<<The Kingdom for Israel >> begun whit John the Baptist
The end times begun whit John the Baptist
Part 5
<< Ha Masiach >>.<<Yinnon >>.<<Chaninah
>> and << Menachem >>
<< The leprous>> <<The suffering scholar>>and<<
The sick (ill)>>
<<Messiah ben Joseph >> and <<Messiah ben David >>
<< Tzemach >>
<< Bar Naple>>. <<Ben Ha Ananim >> and << Yeshuah
Metraton >>.
<< Memra >>.
<< Ben
Parets >>.
<< Sorequa >>,<< Malak Hebberit >>,<<Pnuel
>> and << Sar Hapinam >>.
Other names of the Messiah.
Jesus of
The Messiah had to come before the destruction of the temple.
The book of Ruth points to the two comings of the Messiah.
Jesus is the Great Redeemer.
See free of charge the book of Risto Santala
Part 6
The Rabbis separated the salvation history in 4 epochs (era).
The last generation.
The world will exist 7000 years.
The first seventh months symbolizes 7000 years
Texts from the book of Moses who reflects the schedule
Texts from the other scriptures in Tanach.
Part 7
The duration of the Messianic-Kingdom.
The Messianic footprints.
The Rabbis description of the end times.
The great tribulation will last 7 years.
David Flussers and William Booths statements of the end time.
Gog and Anti Messiah.
The Messiah will use 7 years to establish his Kingdom
The Messiah will renewed the world.
<<The coming world >>
Who will take part in << the coming world >>?
Part 8
The Covenant theology
The normative dispensation (time period)
between the covenant theologyand the dispensation.
Ultra dispensation.
The modern Ultra dispensation view.
Progressive dispensation
4 different views of The New Covenant.
Part 9
The meaning of the reconciliation of Jesus.
The different Gospels in the first time.
The meaning of the word secret in the Bible.
The Kingdom for
Part 10
A comparison between
The time ages is founded in the word of God.
Part 11
The use of the word<< house and residence.
The use of the word<< the Lord of the house >>and master.
The use of the word -household.
The use of the notion<< residence of the ages >>.
The use of the word <<native country>>and domicile (home)
The use of the word
<< wedding and << marriage.
The use of the word <<bridegroom.
The use of the word << bride >> and young women.
The use of the word << The house of the wedding and << the wedding
The use of the word the lords supper << banquet, feast >>and the
lambs supper >>.
The meaning of the notion << The
The meaning of the notion <<The kingdom for
The use of the word << The King >>.
The meaning of the word << secret >> in The New Testament.
The use of the word << kairos >>.
The meaning of the words << olam >> and << aion >>.
Hugo Odebergs evaluation of the notion of time
The meaning of the word << pleroma >>.
The use of the word << soma >>.
Part 13
Comparison between the Messianic and the Christian community.
The Messianic community is connected to Jesus first Torah.
Repentance and conversion (penance) is common for both communities.
To be born agein is the same for both communities.
To be baptize in the holy spirit is the same for both communities.
The gift of grace is the same for both communities.
They who prey,will receive.
The baptize in water was compulsory in the Messianic community.
The different types of baptism.
The lords supper is common for both communities.
The different missions commands.
The water baptize for children.
The power to loose and bind.
The Apostle Paul had his own key power.
The new Covenant in the blood of Jesus.
Reward in heaven.
Part 14
The secret of the postponement for the Kingdom for
The secret of Christ.
The secret whit the rapture of the Christian community.
The secret whit the Messiah in the believers.
The secret that the Messiah is God.
The secret whit the free grace.
Jewish assessment, (evaluation) of the Apostle Paul.
The secret whit the 7 stars and the 7 communities.
The secret of faith.
The Jews shall be kings and priests.
The choose of the to communities.
The secret whit the rule of Jesus of the Christian community.
hidden secrets whit the Christian community.
The end times
was close at the time of Jesus.
Christian book production is giving out books about Israel and the
prophetic word , and the end times. The return of Christ and Judaism. We have
publicized so far ,17 books. We are so lucky that we can make public another
new book. The title is CHRISTIANITYS JEWISH ROOTS.
The spiritual foundation of Christianity is in the old
Testament (Tanach) and in a part
of the Jewish Scriptures, and in the preaching of Jesus,and the Apostle Paul and
other authors of the New Testament It is of the greatest importance
that we know the spiritual foundation of Christianity, who is the revelation of
God. If we don't know about this will o'er doctrine, (dogma) hang in the loose air.It has no basis. We cant lave
this important things over to the specialists,and to the tradition.
When we study the word of God are there many conditions we have to take in
consideration, if we want the full profit of the reading.
Firstly we have to be aver of that the Hebrew way of thinking is not equal to
the Greek = western way of thinking (occidental). The western thoughts
emphasize the logical chain of thoughts and a logical conclusion in our way of
thinking. The Hebrews lays
For the second we have to be aware of the condition
that also in Judaism there is a tradition, who is not in accordance whit the
old Testaments (Tanach) teaching.
If we don't know what is written in the Tanach we will have a problem to
separate what is wrong and what is right. This leads to a wrong understanding
of Christianity, who has its base in Judaism.
From here I will take a jump to the end of the
Introduction if I shall try to translate a small part of the book whit out use
a couple of
years!! -- relating tothe huge contends in this book.
Stein A Johannessen
The central person in the Tanach is the Messiah. The Rabbis gave him
different names on the basis of the texts in the Tanach. There is a part of
this written in this book
The Rabbis had also different evaluation of the end time ,and the length of the
Kingdom of the Messiah
In the same way , there are different direction in Judaism ,this is also the
case in Christianity. In this book we will describe the 2 main direction in the
study of the word of God << the covenant theology >>and the
dispensation >>.
The first direction emphasize the unilateral and the general side of the word
of God.The second understands the word of God through the ages. Inside these to
directions there are to schools. The traditional dispensation,and the ultra
dispensation. What separates these to direction is their view of the beginning
of the Christian congregation the first claims that the Christian community
begun at the day off Pentecostal, the other claims on a later point of time.
The Messianic community was taken out by the preaching of Jesus and the
Apostles .The Christian Community was taken out by the preaching of the Apostle
We are grateful for the fine support we have received from o'er readers
in several years. And ask for continued prayer and economic support for this
important work We shall serve each other with the spiritual gift of grace we
have received for the building up of the Christian congregation.
Finally we will remind each other of to things,that Jesus is coming
soon, and to bless
yours to serve.
Cand. philol. Oskar Edin Indergaard.
The different levels in the
word of God .
The old
Testament = OT= ( Hebrew Tanach)
After Jewish way of
thinking and evaluation, are there 4 levels in the word of God . It means that
the word of God can have different meaning from which level one look in to it.
This can seem unusual for us who usually understand the word of God on one
Level and whit one meaning. But it is of the greatest signification that we are
aver of this condition, because the word of God is either written in Hebrew (
with few exceptions) or Greek. In the Tanach is all written in Hebrew except Ezra 4,8-6and Jeremiah 10,11 and Daniel 2,4-7,28 which is written in Aramaic
It,s exclusively Jews (whit a possible exception of Luke) who has written down
the word of God. The Hebrew way of thinking lays as a basis for all what is
written. We have to take this in consideration when we read and preach the word
of God.
We shall as follows
describe the 4 levels.
1.) The first level is
called in Hebrew <<PASHAT >> and it express the LITERAL MEANING of the words and the contends in the
text. It,s the total frame of the text and express a occurrence or a historic
event. One have to be well known whit the first level before one can proceed to
the next levels. This is the simplest and direct understanding of the word of
God. <<Misnah
>> whit means the other Torah >> are the comment works in Hebrew
whit describes the first level. It is the Gospel of of Mark who express best the first level in
the New Testament.
2.) The second level is
called << REMEZ >>
and it express the hidden meaning in a text . This meaning is not obvious,but
it have to do whit the PRACTICAL USE of the Scripture ,it has to do whit the
theological doctrine and learning in the scripture. And to know the different
Biblical concept and how the text shall be understood from each other. It cud
be a singe word or a connection. This level represents the allegorical
representation of the Scripture. This is written for they who is capable of
interpret it. It don't replace the first level, but it comes in addition to the
first level. << Gemana >> is the comment work who describes this
second level.The Gospel of Luke express this level better then the Gospel of of
Mark. ( allegorical the
interpretative process in which the superficial or literal meaning of a text is
disregarded in favor of some deeper (divine) meaning that lies beneath it and
is accessible only to the initiate."Biblical
Scholarship," Microsoft(R) Encarta
The third level is calld
<< DROCH >>.
This express the moral learning and to draw a conclusion of a text. The word
<< Midrash
>>. is from this word.
At the time of Jesus,the Rabbis was separated in to 2 groups,
a) They who teach the Torah and
b) They who drew moral learning (instruction) out of the Torah. They express it through
histories and parables.
The first metod is calld << halacha >>. who meanes , << the
road one walk on
The sckond metod is calld << aggadah >>.
Is been told that King Solomon and King Hiram of
This level contends the Highest Form of Wisdom which goes over to the prophetic.
For instance in the Tanach it is written that God will establish the
4) The forth level is
called << SOHD >> this level express a deep secret or a hidden meaning of the word. The cabalistic interpetation of the
sripture moves on this level. It,s use the letter value in words and sentence
to point to an other meaning of the written word.One exsempel is the name of
the beast which is 666.
It is of great danger if one try to intemperate the Scripture solely on this
level,because one deviate from the origin meaning of the word.
This level goes over to the supernatural, and reveal THE SECRET SIDE OF GOD,
such example, is the story of Gods different meetings whit Moses - the
ascension of Elijah , and the heavenly
The Gospel of John express best this level whit Jesus. John says that Jesus is
the<< Word >> and the << Light
This assertion can not be proof scientifically. They belongs to another
dimension which is divine.
We must be aware of all the 4 levels In the studying of the prophetic word of
( both the Hebrew and Greek alphabet
have numeral character)
The distinctive
character of the Prophetic word.
The prophetic word is characterize as follows
1) It gives us information or
knollege about the future >> Daniel 2:28 But there is a God in
heaven that revealeth secrets, and maketh known to the king Nebuchadnezzar what
shall be in the latter days.
Daniel 12:8 And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what
[shall be] the end of these [things]?
Daniel 12:9 And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words [are] closed up and
sealed till the time of the end.
2) The prophetic word is
in accordance whit other statements of prophesies
1:19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye
take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place,(the world) until the day dawn, (The day of the Lord) and the day star arise
in your hearts: (The coming of Jesus to Israel)
Peter-2 1:20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture (Tanach = OT) is of any private
3) The prophets was
moved by the
spirit of God in them,to prophesies exact what God wanted them to
say.Now and then,they gave the exact spoken literally word of God. But often
they used their one word and expression. In both cases,it is the will of God who is
4) Nothing will happens
before God has informed his prophets about the future.
3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his
servants the prophets.
5) Its only God who can inform us about the
44:7 And who, as I, shall call, and shall declare it, and set it in order for
me, since I appointed the ancient people?(the old Israel) and the things that are
coming, and shall come, let them show unto them.
45:11 Thus saith the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker, Ask me of
things to come concerning my sons, and concerning the work of my hands command
ye me.
6) The prophetic word is to be full
trusted. It is
purifyd 7 times
12:6 The words of the LORD [are] pure words: [as] silver tried in a furnace of
earth, purified seven times.
7) They who works whit
the prophetic word shall be blessed.
1:1 Blessed [is] the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor
standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.
Psalm 1:2 But his delight [is] in the law (Tora = teaching) of the LORD; and in
his law doth he meditate day and night.
8) The prophetic word
shall be read and understood literally in the form of expression they are
written in. It is vary rare that the prophetic word shall be understood in
transferd meaning or metaphorical meaning
2:44 And in the days of these kings(The 10 kings at the end times) shall the God of
heaven set up a kingdom,(the kingdom for Israel) which shall never be
destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people,( than the Jewisj people) [but] it shall break
in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.( through the Ages)
What we are been
told here shall be understood concrete and literally.
We shall also look at some statments who shall be understood in in transferd
meaning .
37:9 And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said,
Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the
eleven stars made obeisance to me.
The sun stands for Jacob - The moon stands for Rachel - and the 11 stars stands
for Josephs brothers.
9) The prophetic word
had to be read and understood in what connection it is written.
16:18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will
build my church;( the Messianic community,not the Christian community who came later) and the gates of hell
shall not prevail against it.
10) The prophetic word must be
translated as it is written, and not to the translators understanding of of it.On this field there
has been made great errors in the translation of the Bible. One example, is the
incorrect translation of the Hebrew word << olam >> and the Greek word << aion >> who shall not be
translated whit eternity, but the correct translation of this word is <<
the age >>
21:19 And when he saw a fig tree in the way, he came to it, and found nothing
thereon, but leaves only, and said unto it, Let no fruit grow on thee
henceforward for ever. (Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward in this age) And presently the fig
tree withered away. In the time of the Kingdom there shall grow much fruit on
11) One have always to ask after the
addressee in a text - if it's written to
12)The prophetic word is
useful Timothy-2
We have to be
aver that we can not use the prophetic word in every connection. It must be
used in it,s right connection. We can not use a prophetic statement whit
concern in a certain time period and use it in an other time period. This is
been done in a great degree ,and therefor there is great confusion and
misunderstanding what concerns the understanding of the prophetic word.
13)The prophetic word
will come to be fulfilled. There is a connected whole of 456 prophetic statements of the coming of
the Messiah and the Messianic Kingdom in the Tanach(OT) In the first coming of Jesus there
was 333 statements who was prophetic fulfilled. We can be quit certain that the remaining 223
prophetic statement will be total fulfilled whit the return of Jesus in the
14) One prophetic
statement or part of the statement,can in some cases be change from the origin
statement. This have to do whit the interpretation and the inspiration, it is a
well known principle which both the Rabbis, and Jesus, the apostles and the
apostle Paul make use of. I shell as follows mention a part of some cases where
a statement has been changed from the original text.
Psalm 8:2 Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength
because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger.
Matthew 21:16 And said unto him, Hearest thou what these say? And Jesus saith
unto them, Yea; have ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings
thou hast perfected praise?
Psalm 40:6 Sacrifice and offering thou didst not desire; mine ears hast thou
opened: burnt offering and sin offering hast thou not required.
Hebrews 10:5 Wherefore when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and
offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me:
28:11 For with stammering lips(the assyrians) and another tongue will he speak
to this people.This have to do whit the Judgment over the Jewish people.
19:4 Their line is gone out through all the earth,(constellations) and their words to the
end of the world. In them hath he (God) set a tabernacle for the sun,
31:15 Thus saith the LORD; A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation, [and]
bitter weeping; Rahel weeping for her children refused to be comforted for her
children,(Who was in exile in babylon) because they [were] not
Matthew 2:18 In Rama was there a voice heard, lamentation, and weeping, and
great mourning, Rachel weeping [for] her children, and would not be comforted,
because they are not.
15) A prophetic
statement can have a double,fulfillment or a threefold fulfillment. The same statement
can be near a fulfillment or reach far in to the future to a later point of
1:32 He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the
Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David:( The
From here i will
make a jump to the end of The distinctive character of the Prophetic word. To
much to translate if I shall take other chapters whit me in this small
translation of this book.
What characterize the Hebrew scripture is:
a) It describe the
Kingdom for Israel
b) It describe the to fold conception of righteousness the righteousness of God,and
the humans one righteousness
c) It don't describe the free grace, but it describes the grace the Jews will
receive in the Millennium Kingdom.
d)It describe the reconciliation of Jesus.
e) It describe the baptism in water as indirect condition for salvation.
f) It describes that the end time is near.
g) It describes the tribulation of the Jews in the end times.
h) It describes different sides whit the Kingdom for
I) It describes that to be born again is a necessary to be part of the
j) It describes the Holy Spirit as the new salvation pledge.
k) It describes an abundance of of gift of grace, which we have not in the
timeperiod of the Christian community.
I) It describes not the Christian communitys many secrets
m) It desribes Jesus as King in the Kingdom for
n )It describes the Jews as
o) It describes the believing Jews in heaven as the bride.
We must learn to
distribute the word of God in a right way. We have to divide between the prophetic word
concerns Israel )and the secret (of The Christian
Community) on the
other side
We have to take to account this to separation of the word of God when we read
and study the word.If we mix the word of God together it will loose it,s
power.It is only in the Scriptures of the Apostle Paul,in the hole Scriptures
of the bible that we can find the secret of the Christian congregation. Because
of this we have a great work before us because the so-called, replacement or
substitution theology has disturbed and distorted the word of God from it,s
origin understanding and connection.
Gary Stearman and J R Church says as follows about the last 9
Scriptures in the Bible. When we begins whit the Letter to the Hebrews, there
turns up some peculiar statements who has tormented the Church through the
centuries. In the chapter 6 of Hebrews the christians have disagree about the
subject >> falling from grace >> There is also in the letter of
James and his assertion concerning faith whit (out) deeds. these and other
peculiar expression has confused gentile Christianity through centuries.. Since
the Apostle Paul talks about salvation of faith whit out deeds,which is a gift
from God. But if we realize that these 9 last scriptures in the N.T. has a
special message to Israel, after the rapture of the Church and the tribulation
has begun, then
the statements are more logical. >> see my book Christ return nr 5
Chapter J R Church and Gary Stearman evaluation of the scripture of the New Testament.
The parenthesis in
the Tanach.
God lay aside his origin plan whit
Ephesians 1:4 According as he hath chosen us in him before (before Greek <<
pro>>) the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame
before him in love:
By that very
fact that Gods plan whit the Christian community was <<before the
foundation of this earth >>,this shows us to things
This plan belongs to the secret and had to be kept hidden.
This plan of the Christian community was of the greatest importance.
There remains a part of
the secret whit the Christian community who is still not known. It concern for
instance what function it will have in << the Kingdom for
2:7 That in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in
[his] kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.
See the chapter The hidden secrets whit the
Christian community. We shall as follows quote some Bible passage in the Tanach
where these parenthesis turns up. We can place the time of the Christian
community within them. This will be Bible passages who deals with the both
comings of Jesus both the first and the second.
About this, is there written more supplemented in my book The King Of the Jews.
NB 4- chapter (The twice comings of the Messiah), I will just take some Bible
quotation from this huge subject.
49:10 The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his
feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him [shall] the gathering of the people [be].( in connection whit the first coming of
Jesu, the Jewish government.(The high counsel) lost the right to judge man to the death
penalty. They meant that the royal power was taken away form
The age of the Christian community can be placed in this Bible verse
110:1 A Psalm of David. The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand,
until I make thine enemies thy footstool. ( this will happen whit the second coming
of Jesus) The Christian community lays in the senter middle of this verse.
9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government
shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor,
The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. ( This concern the first
coming of Jesus )Isaiah 9:7 Of the increase of [his] government and peace [there shall
be] no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to
establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The
zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.(This concern the second coming of
Jesus )The time
of the Christian community lays between verse 6 and 7.
40,9-10 Isaiah 50,2Isaiah 52,8 Isaiah 59,17 Isaiah 60,1-3 Isaiah 61,1-2 Daniel
9,26 Hosea 5, 15 Joel 2,23 Micah 5,1-2 Zechariah 9, 9- 10
9:9 Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem:
behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he [is] just, and having salvation; lowly,
and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass.(This happen in
connection whit the first coming of Jesus)
Zechariah 9:10 And I will cut off the chariot from Ephraim, and the horse from
Jerusalem, and the battle bow shall be cut off: and he shall speak peace unto
the heathen: and his dominion [shall be] from sea [even] to sea, and from the
river [even] to the ends of the earth.(This willl happen in connection whit
the second coming of Jesus)
The names of the 12
sons of Jacob
It appears to describe Jesu
reconciliation and salvation history. We shall as follows describe the meaning
of the 12 names and see if it,s correct.
1) Reuben means << See a
Son >>
or << Look at Me >> Jesus was the son who was born to save
all of mankind. They who takes refuge in him, shall be saved and not be lost.
2) Simeon means << Listen
to Him >> or >> Listen to Me >> They who listen to the
message of Jesus and receive him as Savior will be Saved
3) Levi means << Be
United >> or << Together Whit You >> They who are united whit Jesus, shall
always be together whit him and inherit all things together whit Him.
5) Dan means >> Judge >> Jesus shall judge all of
mankind, they who believe in Him shall be judge to life
( through the Ages ) eternal. They who dont belive on Him shall He Judge to
eternal judgment ( through the Ages).
6) Naphtali means << His
Fight (struggle) >>
The struggle of Jesus both in life and in death, leads to (life) salvation for
all of them who receive him.
7) Gad means << His
Property >>
They who receive Jesus belongs to Him for ever.
8) Asher means <<
Blessed and Blessedly >> All they who receive Jesus take part in
his righteousness. They are blessed and blessedly for ever.
9) Issachar means << He
brings my reward >> Jesus brings salvation to the humans.
That is Gods reward to humanity
10) Zubulun means << He
who Live(Dwell) Together whit us >> Jesus lived together whit
the Jews for 3,5 years He lives in his community by the Holy Spirit. Jesus
shall come back, and then He shall live together whit his People for ever.
11) Joseph means <<
He shall increase or He shell multiply >> Whit his life suffering and
death for all of mankind. Jesus laid the foundation,for the salvation of
millions of people who will take part in the ages to come.
12) Benjamin means << The
Son of the Right Hand >> Jesus sits today at the right hand of his
Father. When he returns He shall establish His Kingdom (The Kingdom for
The Jewish Torah
What concerns the meaning of the Hebrew word
Torah, Torah means not Law, but it means, instruksjon or teaching. It,s therfor wary unfortunate to
translate the word << Tora>> whit Law. Because whit the word Law we
think primarily first of all on the Commandments of God and the prescription.
Even if the
Torah consist of 613 laws shod we not use the word Law about the Torah or use
the word the Law of Moses but instead the Torah of Moses. Because if we use words as the Law of Moses
we give the expression that the Torah of Moses just consist of commandments and
prescription. I will in this book not use the expression as the law of Moses
but rather the Torah of Moses and the Torah of Jesus.
In addiction i will write the word Torah whit large initial to show its
independent existent,and it,s great importance. Some Rabbis said that the world
was mainly founded on three things,
It is the
a) Torah
b) The
The Torah consist of 613
commandments- 248 positive commandments, who begins whit >> I shall >>
This consist whit the numbers of bone in the human body. And 365 negative
commandments who begins whit >> I shall not >>
This consist whit the numbers of days in a year.
In the New Testament is the word Torah is translated whit the Greek word << nomos >> who means <law >or
<rule > this word is used in the N T. I will rather use the word Torah
whit some explanations in parentheses. When we use the word of Torah, this way
,the reader will have a more wider and right understanding of the contents of
the word
If our Bible had been more correctly translated we would have a moor and wider
understanding of the contents.
here Indergaard goes into critics of the translations of the,Bible to much to
translate all of the chapter
The word Torah can be
used as follows inside Judaism
1) All of the Jewish law
who is described both in the Tanach (OT) (the written Torah) and in Talmud (The
oral Torah)
2) The hole of the Tanach
3) The first 5 books in the Tanach. They are in Hebrew named respectively
<< Bereshit >>.
who means << In the beginning >> << Shemot >> who means << Names
>>. << Vayikra >>.
who means << and he called >>
<< Bamibdar
>> who means << in the desert >> and << Devarim >, who means << Words
>>. The 5 books of Moses is called in Hebrew for << Chumas >>
4) The covenant God gave Moses on the Mount Sinai
5) Any education about the 5 books of Moses
6) The hole Bible - both Tanach and Berit Chadashah ( The new Covenant)
7) Any education of the Rabbis
I will remark that there can be errors in the expression of the
sentence, its translated straight from Norwegian
Further, the Rabbis was
of the opinion that there where 2 Torahs. The written Torah which we find in
the Books of Moses, and the oral Torah. The oral Torah was also given to Moses
An other evaluation is that the oral Torah was given by Moses on Yom Kippur.
While the written Torah was celebrated on shavot (pentecost) is the oral Torah
celebrated on Simchat Torah ( The day of Joy of the Torah ) which is the last
day in the civilian Jewish year
The Talmud consist of to parts, the Mishnah and Gemara ,Gemara is the Rabbis
commentary to Mishnah, it was written down 500 AD.There are to Talmuds, the
Jerusalem,and the Babylonian. The last is the most important to day. And it is
three times so extensive as the Jewish Talmud. it consist of 2,5 million words( see my book Christ
return number 5 chapter the Jewish scriptures)
A part of the
rabbis meant also that the <<crowns >> or the
<<jagged>>which 7 of 22 hebrew letters is equip whit and who is mention in Matthew 5-18 and are translated whit <<jot
>> was also given by God on Sinai, these letters are : shin , ayin , tet , nun
, zayin , gimmel and
tzadi. The purpose whit these jagged are
three parted
a) They should decorate
the Torah to be moor beautiful to look at ,- To the Glory of God
b) They should protect the Torah from spiritual attack from the out side.
c) They should also protect Gods people , who is the Jews,
( see
Alfred J Kolatehs book : This is the Torah page. 101 - 103.)
The Rabbis meant that the oral Torah is of
the same significance as the written Torah
This evaluation is Not Correct. There is written much good an valuable in
Talmud, but there is also written much who is not in the coordination ( in disagree) whit the Word of God. Much of the
Torahen is besides discussions between the different Rabbis, how to look at the
different approach to the problems in the word of God.
Jesus was also against several of the Rabbis interpretation and called them for
man made precision
(commandments) and <<the perception of the
old >> Matthew 15:9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching [for] doctrines
the commandments of men.
Mark 7:7 Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching [for] doctrines the
commandments of men.
Mark 7:8 For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men,
[as] the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do.Mark
7:9 And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye
may keep your own tradition.
The written
Torah contends of 613 commandments, but that was not enough for the Rabbis.They
worked out a large number of new commandments which they meant had its basis in
the written commandments. They builded whit this << a fence around the
Torah >> to make it impossible for the Jews to keep.
They who wrote the oral Torah,try to make LAW out of the TORAH. They try to
weaken Gods righteousness on the expense of the humans one righteousness. We
have to remember that the Torah consist of both Law and Grace. The fulfillment
of the Law and regulations points to humans one righteousness,buts Gods
righteousness express it self in the Grace of God
I will qoute what Ariel and Devorah Berkowitz says in their book : Torah
Rediscovered. pagde 110: Paul was well known whit the oral Torah,and he knew
its pitfalls. He knew also that they who made the oral Torah in reality
This Law
reflected not the righteousness of God. It was rather a codifying of the humans
one righteousness. But Paul said ,that they who have the righteousness of God,
is not in need to seek high and low after the Torahs right interpretation and
use. The Torah of God is always available for him.
Jesus said as follows about the sripture learned and the pharisees
23:2 Saying, The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat:
Matthew 23:3 All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, [that] observe and
do; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not.
Matthew 23:4 For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay
[them] on men's shoulders; but they [themselves] will not move them with one of
their fingers.Matthew 23:5 But all their works they do for to be seen of men:
they make broad their phylacteries(tefilin), and enlarge the
borders of their garments,(zizit)
is commenting some of the interpretation problems in this bible verse He
reefers to the Norwegian translation of the Bible . to complex to translate
grammatical interpretation of the verse its available in the Norwegian
translation of the book for they who can read Norwegian.
(Matthew 23:3) (See
the companion Bible of E
The Change of the Contents
The five books of Moses
was written approx 1500 before Messiah (BC).The other of Tanachs books, the
Prophets and scriptures, was completed before and after the babylonian captivity.On
this time point the Torah of God was clean and whit out wrong translation and
wrong understanding.
Approx.300 before the Messiah, the hellenistic and greek culture and thoughts
begun to makes its influence in
name given the ancient Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament. The term
is derived from the Latin word septuaginta ("seventy"; hence, the
customary abbreviation LXX), which refers to the 70 (or 72) translators who
were once believed to have been appointed by the Jewish high priest of the time
to render the Hebrew Bible into Greek at the behest of the Hellenistic emperor
Ptolemy II.The legend of the 70 translators contains an element of truth, for
the Torah (the five books of Moses-Genesis to Deuteronomy) probably had been
translated into Greek by the 3rd century BC Contributed By: Rev.
Bruce Vawter Microsoft Encarta.)
These Jews was influenced of the greek way of thinking, and it express it shelf
in their translation, who is partly a free translation of the Hebrew Tanach. On
certain arias it can be viewed at as a paraphrase or more as a Targum, who is a
combination of translation and commentary.
They begun to see the Torah of Moses whit GREEK EYES.The greeks had many laws
in their rule of the Greek Empire. This Legalization system influenced the
scripture learned Jews to only look at the Torah of Moses as exclusively
<< Law >> The Greek Laws was as follows: They who don't follow and
do after the law will be excluded from the Greek Empire These Jews begun to
think the same way of the Torah of Moses: If you don't keep the commandments in
the Torah you will not take part in the Kingdom of God. In this way
<<they builded a fence around the Torah >> which is ,still !to this
day have not been torn down.
The Jewish learned translated the word << Torah >> which mean not
<<Law >>but on the contrary it means teaching, instruction or
doctrine, whit the Greek word << NOMAOS >> who mean law. They shod instead
translated TORAH whit
the Greek word << DIDASKALIA >> who mean ,doctrine ,teaching,
instruction >>.
We know that Jesus strongly attacked the Pharisees and the Sadducees and the
Scripture learned for their incorrect understanding of the Torah of Moses. It
concerned for example, the keeping of the Sabbath and the different rules of
the tenth, and the conditions of the <<gentiles >> ,and the
different rules of purity and other conditions
After the death of Jesus and the destruction of the Temple in the year 70 AD
the Pharisees continued the work to make a fence around the Torah of Moses,
whit the compilation of Mishnah. It was finish approx. 200 after the Messiah
(AD). This was an explanation ( interpretation) of the Torah of Moses This work
was continued further whit Gemara 400 - 500 after the Messiah. These to works
became the Talmud . (See my book Christ return 5. chapter The Jewish
Because the Jewish people did not received Jesus of
22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart,
and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.Matthew 22:38 This is the first
and great commandment.Matthew 22:39 And the second [is] like unto it, Thou
shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. Matthew
These to
commandments has its basis in the Torah of Moses
Deuteronomy 6:5 And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and
with all thy soul, and with all thy might.
This is a Wrong picture of God (to set
a divisjon between God and Jesus) and have contributed that many have turn away
from God and reject him and the scriptures in the Tanach. We have for instance
the case of Markion who lived in the first century after the Messiah. He
rejected the hole of Tanach as the word of God, and he wanted a Bible who
consist of only of The Gospel of Luke and the 10 letters of the Apostle Paul.
He felt that the Tanach stood in the way for the Apostle Pauls teaching of the
free grace, but this is not the case. The GRACE OF GOD HAVE BEEN FREE IN
ALL THE TIME PERIODS. Its only what lays around grace which have been different.
It concern the different commandments and teaching in the different time
What characterize God through the hole salvation history is that He is
graceful and a merciful GOD who do every thing he can to save ALL OF HUMANITY He gives the humans opportunity
through a hole life to come to Him and be saved.He gives Humanity a fresh start
for every new time period, HIS GRACE IS NEW FOR EVERY NEW DAY.
30:5 For his anger [endureth but] a moment; in his favour [is] life: weeping
may endure for a night, but joy [cometh] in the morning.
This is a Correct
picture of God
Like this ,in
all events ,have the writer of this book , experienced Him.
Both the Catholic and
5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not
come to destroy, but to fulfil.
This mean,among
other things that He came to interpret right the Torah and the Prophets, This
means that He came not to take away the Torah and the Prophets. Both our Bible
translation and commentary needs a genuine revision to correct them from the Hebrew and
Greek basic text. And translate it in accordance whit the original Hebrew way
of thinking. There is no purpose to come constancy whit new translation of the
Bible, when we can not grasp the essential and important fundamental, in this
connection its the important words as << torah >> << chuka
>> << chok >> << misphat >> << mitzvot
>> << chukim >> <<drachim >> << edot
>>and << shelot >>.
These words have got a to legalistic understanding in the translation ( see to
articles of Rabbi Moshe Joseph Koniuchowsky whit the title :Torah is not the
same as Law . E-
" Train up a child in the way he will go,
and when he is old, he will not depart from it. "
(Proverbs 22:6)
Powerful Nashville Debate! Is Jesus
the Jewish Messiah? Rabbi Tovia Singer vs. Prof. R.L. Solberg
Dr. Baruch Korman: Hosea Chapter 6
Hosea 6, A Cake Not Turned - Pastor
Chuck Missler
:1 Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will
heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up.
6:2 After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live
in his sight.
3:8 But, beloved, be
not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand
years, and a thousand years as one day.
From H2232; seed; figuratively fruit, plant, sowing time, posterity:
- X carnally, child, fruitful, seed (-time), sowing-time.
This concern
also expressions as<< The Old Testament >> and << The New
Testament >> It should be translated whit << The first Covenant
>>and << The second Covenant >> Also other expressions as the
old testamentary and the new testamentary the Scripture and the Prophets.It
should be translated whit,
what belongs to<< The first>> or << The second Covenant
Also other hebrew words as << olam >> and the greek word <<
aion >> , which shall not be
translated whit
<< eternity >>, but translated whit time age. About this have I
written much in my earlier books) There is also other words and conditions who
I can not mention her.
From here Indergaard goes over to question and answers for Bible study I
will end the chapter here.
Stein A Johannessen.
The Rabbis used the name
for the Angel of God who is often described in the Tanach (OT)
23:20 Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to
bring thee into the place which I have prepared.Exodus 23:21 Beware of him, and
obey his voice, provoke him not; for he will not pardon your transgressions:for
my name [is] in him .Exodus 23:22 But if thou shalt indeed obey his voice, and
do all that I speak; then I will be an enemy unto thine enemies, and an
adversary unto thine adversaries.
Rabbi Moses Burali says as follows about that the name of God is in him:
<< Because his name is himself (God) for HIS NAME IS YHVH, and he is
himself. Like this, is the expression: for my name [is] in him >> meanes that the FULLNESS OF DEITY IS IN
HIM>>.(He is whit other words God Himself. My comments)
Rabbi Tvi Nassi wrote as
follows about this angel in his book: The Great Mystery. page ,58 << This
Angel is not of the angels, who can sin, but this angel is one of great
authority. << Because he will forgive their sins >> it means
<< Because he belongs to the higher class of creation ,who can not sin,
because of this,
He Is <<
On page 60-61 there is
written as follows: << In one of o'er greatest festivals I have always
prayed that God will answer my prayers for the sake of METRATON -,whit out
knowing ?,who is METRATON? until I was lead in to the mystery of my old
dignitary teacher. Rabbi Simon ben Jochai who teach me in the Book of Zoar,
Book, 3 page 227: THE MIDST PILLAR in deity is METRATON, who has completed
peace in heaven,because of his glories position there >>
On page 61 its written: << And God said to Moses: Come op to the lord. He
is METRATON. He is called whit this name because of the to significance in his
name, which will give the expression of his character. He is the LORD and
There is also a third idea laid down in the name of Metraton. It means <<
GUARDIAN ( keeper)
>> Because in the chaldean languish is guardian called <<
METHERATH >> because he is The << GUARDIAN OF THE WORLD >> He
is also named The << GUARDIAN OF
From this significance of his name we have learn that he is <<
LORD>> of everything on the earth, and it is all laid under his power and
On page 62 its written << The great and exalt God talks whit Moses. He
said to him, come op to YHVH, WHO IS METRATON ,who often is called whit the
name of God. This allude to SHECHINAH, who is called THE GLORY OF GOD. And for
the reason that he said: Come up,- is if he had said: Come up to the place of
glory where the << ANGEL THE REDEEMER >> is ,because no one can come
to the exalted God
On page 63 its written << My faithful teacher rabbi Simon ben Jochai took
me in to the mystery of the most innermost room of the knowledge of God, and
instruct me that Metraton HAVE EXISTED FROM ETERNITY.
<< This is the
meaning of these words. And Abraham said to his servant. This is the servant of
God. This servant is << METRATON, THE OLDEST >> in the house of
God, who is the << FIRSTBORN >> of all the creation of God, who is
the sovereign ruler of all what God possess, because God have delivered to him
the rule of all his armys. >>
On page 64 its written << Metraton is the angel << THE PRINCE IN
THE SIGHT OF GOD>> the angel << THE PRINCE OF POWER >> the
angel << THE PRINCE OF GLORY >> the angel >> THE PRINCE OF
MIGHTY PRINCE >> in heven and one earth. Its him (Metraton) who is RULER
over all rulers and Kings. He rules whit power.For this reason the cabalists
name him << METRATON MIERYA SIS >>,who means, -that he rules whit
might and authority (Power), He is the beginning on the way to God >>
On page 65 its
written<< Who is way to the tree of life ? It is the great Metraton
because he is the way to the great tree, the tree of life. >>
On page 66 its written: << Eery prayer who is send to the King (God) have
to go through Metraton.>>
<< Every message and every prayer from the earth most first go to
Metraton and from him to the King .>>
<< Metraton >> is the <<(intermediary) MEDIATOR >> of
all who comes from heaven and down to earth,or from earth and up to heaven.
On page 67 its written << Everyone who will speak to me (God) shall not
be capable of it before he have made it known for Metraton. >>
<< The Almighty have reveal himself exclusively in Metraton ,the guardian
On page 68 its written: << THE ALMIGHTYS COVERING IS METRATON. >>
The cabalists calls the
second Sefira for << Metraton >> who means << GUARDIAN
>> This is a subordinate name for the SON OF GOD.
The word << Sefira>> means there are to condition in Jewish
mysticism, this is
a) The 10 marks on God, and
b) The 3 highest names of God , is : Seper, Sapher, and Vesaphur.
This are 3 names in Divinity,who have created the world. We shall not deepen
this, but we have many statement both in the Tanach (OT) and inside different
religious direction i Judaism of the one and the truth God are expressed in 3
persons in a special way , in 3 names or in 3 forces. ( see my book : Christs
Return 5 chapter: The tree persons in Divinity and the Triune God in the
Tanach. And the King of the Jews book 3 page 66- 67 where I write moor about
In Jewish
mysticismis God described as <<Ein Sof >> This word means <<
whit out end >>. God is so transcendent that .He. can not be described.
He is described in the 10 Sefirot. They express the different qualification
whit God. We shall as follows describe the 10 Sefirot and see what they mean.
a) The top Sefira is
<< KETER >> who means << THE CROWN >>.
b) The second Sefira is << CHOKHMAH >> who means << WISDOM
c) The third Sefira is << BINAH >> who means << INTUITION
>> and << UNDERSTANDING >>.
d) The fourth Sefira is << CHESED >> who means << GRACE
>> and <<GOODNESS >>.
e) The fifth Serira is << GEVURAH >> who means << STRENGTH
>> and << POWER >>.
f) The sixth Sefira is << TIFERET >> who means <<HONOR
>> << BEAUTY >> and << HARMONY >>.
g) The seventh sefira is << NETZACH >> who means << VICTORY
>> and << DOMINION >>.
h) The eight Safira is << HOD >> who means << MAJESTY
>> and <<HONOR >>.
i) The ninth Safira is << YESOD >> who means << FOUNDATION
j) The tenth
Safira is << Malkut >> who means << ALMIGHTY >>
The 10 Sefirot gives the
expression of both the masculine and the feminine quality. And they are called
<< The Tree of Life >>. Metraton is also called << THE PRINCE
I will quote from professor G kleins book: Contribution to the religious
history of Israel, he writes as follows on page 89 << Metraton >>
trusted representative. And on the other side he is ISRAELIS REPRESENTATIVE
WHIT GOD...>> Metraton is also called the << PRINCE OF COUNTENANCE
>>in hebrew >> SAR HAPPINAM >> The numerical value of
Metraton is equal to the numerical of Shaddai (The Almighty Shaddai who has the
numerical value of 10,4 and 300 which is 314. Metraton has the numerical value
of 50,6 200,9,9 and 40 which is 314 >>
Professed Klein speaks much about that << Metraton >> often is
connected i Judaism whit the name << WORD >> aramaic << memra
>>. Hebrew << davar >> and greek << logos >> he
also tells us, that in the Talmud occurs 5 such between beings. It is
a) << Metraton
b) Yhvhs word. << Memra >>.
c) Gods descent (lowering ) glory, who is << schekina >>.
d) Gods Holy Spirit, who is << Ruach ha Kodesh >>.
e) The heavenly revelation voice, who is <<
The Rabbis meant that
Schekina represented the << feminine >> side of God. When God protected
Doctrinal articles written by the late Sam
Stern, an Orthodox rabbi born in
23:36 Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation.
Matthew 23:37 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, [thou] that killest the prophets, and
stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I
have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under
[her] wings, and ye would not!
Matthew 23:38 Behold, your house is left unto you desolate.
Matthew 23:39 For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall
say, Blessed [is] he that cometh in the name of the Lord.
Contribution of
Stein A Johannessen.
Amir Tsarfati: The Next Temple
The Messiah is also
called << Memra >> which is the same as << THE WORD
OF GOD >>. The word << memra >> is found 596 times in the
Jewish Targums. In Targum Onqelos is it found 179 times. In Targum Yerusalami
is it found 99 times. In Targum Jonathan ben Uzziel is it found 321 times. This
word is not mention at all in the Talmud,and that is remarkable, because the
Targums are older then the Talmud which was finished edited 400 - 500 AD after
the Messiah. What was written in Targums gave the expression of the Rabbis
We shall as follows take whit us some extract of the Targums to show how this
word is used
any of the Aramaic translations, more or less literal, of portions of
the Old Testament used in the synagogues of Palestine and Babylonia. When,
after the Babylonian Captivity in the 6th century BC, Aramaic replaced Hebrew
as the generally spoken language, it became necessary to explain the meaning of
readings from the Scriptures. Only a small portion of the many oral Targums
that were produced survived. Among these are the originally Judean Targum known
as the Targum Onkelos; three late and incomplete Targums, the so-called
Jerusalem Targums, on the Pentateuch; the Judean Targum on the Prophets; later
fragments of another paraphrase of the Prophets; and Targums on Psalms, Job,
Proverbs, the five so-called megillahs (Song of Solomon, Ruth, Lamentations,
Esther, Ecclesiastes), Chronicles, and the deuterocanonical additions to
a) In
Targum Onqelos
its written: << ABRAHAM BELIEVED THE LORDS MEMRA, and it was counted
unto him for righteousness. (Contribution Rom 4-3.Abraham
believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.)
They belived the lords Memra and one the prophesis of his servant Moses
If you will aksept the Lords Memra such (then) the Lords Memra will be your
These arms (Gods arm) the Memra which the world was created.
b) In Targum Yerusalami
its written: << in Genesis 16,13 Hagar is speaking whit the angel of God
and calls him for << the Lords Memra. >>
<< The
Lords Memra will provide the lam for the burn offering. >>
<< And the
Lords Memra spoke all this words. >>
<< Raise
up o Lord raise up o Lords Memra. Come back, o Lords Memra. >>
c) In Targum Jonatan its
written: << They who turn their hart to Gods Memra shall be saved.
<< I will
show mersy to the house of Juda, and
I will save them whit their God the Lords Memra. >>
In the so-called
<< Dead Sea Scrolls >>is the word Memra used the same way as in the
Targums. They who wrote the dead sea scrolls was Priests and Scripture learned,
who had left the temple service for the reason of the false teaching, who after
their opinion took place there. They had create new congregations of believers
different places in Israel. In several of their book scrolls its written:
<< Whit out God noting was created ,through your word (memra) everything
had its beginning, and whit out you (memra) was noting created. >> ( see
Risto Santalas book: The Messiah in the Old Testament page 89- 91. ( see also
my book Christ Return. book 4 chapter Jesus is the living word of God ) In the
teaching of the Rabbis the Memra had 6 mark, (sign). Just the same is John
speaking about of Jesus. The 6 marks is as follows.
a) Occasionally was the
Memra << EQUAL WHIT Yhvh and occasionally was separated from Yhvh.
<< In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was (Greek , <<
pros> who means << equal whit >> )with God, and the Word was
God. John 1:1
b) The Memra was WHO CREATED << John 1:3 All things were made by him; and
without him was not any thing made that was made. >>
c)The Memra was<<
WHO SAVED (SAVES).<< John 1:12 But as many as received him, to them gave
he power to become the sons of God, [even] to them that believe on his name:
d) The Memra was , WHO
REVEAL IT SELF (HIMSELF). << John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and
dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of
the Father,) full of grace and truth.
e) The Memra was He ,
WHO GAVE THE COVERNANT. << John 1:17 For the law (Torah)was given by
Moses, [but] grace and truth came by Jesus Christ >>
f) The Memra was He ,
WHO REVEAL GOD. << John 1:18 No man hath seen God at any time; the only
begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared [him].
Hidden Secrets whit the Christian Community.
It is not revealed yet
all the secrets whit the Christian congregation. It concern the glory which
shall be revealed on us ,and what we shall do, or what tasks we shall have in
the Kingdom, and in eternity.We also know that Paul was rapture (greek harpazo)
into the third heaven, and there he saw and heard things which he was not allow
to bring further.
12:4 How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words,
which it is not lawful for a man to utter.
We also know
that we are sated in heaven(spiritual) and have part in all the spiritually
blessing whit Jesus.
Ephesians 1:3 Blessed [be] the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who
hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly [places] in Christ:
We know also
that our citizenship is in heaven.
Philippians 3:20 For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the
Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ:
We have already now a
part in the glory but in the coming ages shall it be much more Glories
Corinthians-1 2:9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard,
neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared
for them that love him.
2:6 And hath raised [us] up together, and made [us] sit together in heavenly
[places] in Christ Jesus:
Ephesians 2:7 That in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of
his grace in [his] kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.
Auto Translated some errors but readable
In the same way as judaism is not a uniform concept,
nor is Christianity. That it is important to have concepts when working with
theology, but they should have one certain meaning and a certain content. It is
therefore important that we specify what we mean by the terms
What applies judaism, then we can distinguish between
the Orthodox Jews, who believe that they can fulfill the Torah for your own
salvation, and the Jesus-believing Jews, who believe that Jesus from Nazareth
is the Messiah of the Jews. The latter may be connected to a messianic
congregation or they can stand alone or in smaller groups. The Orthodox Jews
can also be messianic in the sense that they believe that the Messiah will
come, or that there comes a messianic age.
The Orthodox Jews has Tanach (G.T.) and Talmud as
their spiritual foundation, while the Jesus believers the Jews base their faith
on both Tanach and NT.
We must also mention the so-called "reform
Judaism". These are Jews who largely have freed himself from Orthodox
Judaism, but who has a positive view of Jesus from Nazareth. They claim that he
stands in the middle of Judaism with his teachings. They want to get him and
his teachings back to Judaism and into the Jewish synagogue.
What applies the term "Christianity", then
it is UNFORTUNATE to use this term about the Jews, because the term is very
burdened - both in terms of the theological the content and the church's
negative and condescending attitude towards the Jews up in through history. We
therefore distinguish between Christianity, as it comes expressed in NT, and
the teachings of the church. The teaching of the Church has unfortunately
absorbed a number of pagan elements from both Babylon, Greece and Rome. (See my
book: Jesus Return. Volume 3.)
True Christianity therefore builds his teachings on
both Tanach and NT.
What separates it orthodox Judaism from the other
groupings within Judaism, is its relationship to the Law of Moses Torah and its
assessments of Jesus. As for Paul and his teaching, then they are also against
it. The Orthodox Jews believe that they can fulfill the commandments in the
Torah for your own salvation. They believe that they do not need anyone savior.
The Jews can save themselves by performing good works.
They decide for themselves whether they will share in the world to come or not.
Salvation is a matter of will.
As far as the view of Jesus and Paul within the rest
of Judaism, then a quote from Markus Barth be comprehensive: "Jesus is
perfectly fine. He belongs to us, but sorrows begin with Paul." (See my
book: King of the Jews. Volume 4. p.256.)
The Great Divide between Orthodox Judaism and
Christianity depends on how you look at Jesus from Nazareth. Orthodox Judaism
sees him as a false Messiah, while both messianic Judaism and Christianity see
him as the Son of God and the world savior.
Out from new Testament conception, Jesus had the
following tasks at his first come:
a) He was going to serve time all the sins of the
world. "he is an atonement for the sins of our ( Jews, but not only for
our sins, but also for the sin of the whole world." (1. Joh 2:2.)
b) He came to establish the "kingdom for
Israel". "When they had now come together, they asked they him: Lord,
do you restore at that time ( by the coming of the Holy Spirit the kingdom for
Israel?" (Apgj 1:6.)
c) He put it down the doctrinal basis for this kingdom
in the four Gospels. If the Jews had accepted Jesus as his Messiah, then had
"the kingdom for Israel" come, but since they did not receive him as
a people and nation, we got the Church's time with Paul's NEW TEACHING about
grace as the only basis for salvation. "For by grace you are saved, by
faith, and it is not of you even, but it's God's gift." (Ef 2:8.)
d) He came to fulfill all that was written in the
Torah of Moses. This applied to both the bids and the regulations in the Law
and the various events concerning his person.
e) He sharpened also Moses Torah as he emphasized the
motives and not just the deed itself. As he tightened it, it was quite clear
that no one - neither Jew nor heathen managed to fulfill it for his own
salvation. Moses Torah therefore pointed to Jesus as the only one who can
fulfill it - as it was intended. Faith in Jesus becomes therefore the only way
to salvation.
f) In addition to this also abolished Jesus' various
sacrifices by his reconciliation on Calvary.
g) He came to repeal the Torah's commandment as the
"salvation requirement" for the Christian (paulinske) the
congregation. What concerned the Jewish believers, who were members of this
congregation, then they were free with regard to which commandments they wanted
to fulfill from the requirements of the Act. It was CONSCIENCE that was
supposed to decide this.
There is NONE CONTRADICTION between Jesus' teaching
and Paul's teaching. They aimed to be spiritual foundations for two different
time periods. Paul's teaching is in it all not mentioned in Tanach, so we
cannot judge it based on what is written there. Nor is it mentioned in Jesus'
teaching, so we cannot judge it either based on what Jesus said and taught.
Paul said the following about his new teaching:
"of which, when you read it, you may know my insight in the secret of
Christ, for which in the previous generations has not been announced the
children of men, as it is now revealed to his holy apostles and prophets in the
Spirit." (Ef 3:4-5.)
Both the baptist John, Jesus and the apostles
presented the doctrinal basis for the Kingdom preaching. This is expressed in
the four Gospels, in the first half of the Acts of the Apostles and in the
writings of the Apostles. The Messianic Jews stayed saved by GRACE, as the
Gentiles were. "But by the Lord Jesus Christ's GRACE we believe (de
messianic jews) that we ARE SAVED IN THE SAME WAY AS THE (hednings.)"
(Acts 15:11), but in the walk as believers they had to follow exactly the
teachings of Jesus and the commandments of Jesus. "If you (de messianic
jews) KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS, then you will remain in my love, just as I have
kept my Father's commandments and abides in his love." (Joh 15:10)
In our time period, as we call the time period of free
grace, our relationship with God does not become regulated through compliance
with commandments and rules, but in relation to God's grace. This is what Paul
preached time and time again, but which is not understood in ours assemblies,
because one mixes up Jesus' preaching with Paul's preaching. "And now I
SURRENDER you to GOD and HIS WORD OF GRACE. He who is powerful to BUILD
YOURSELVES up and give yourselves an inheritance among all those who have been
sanctified." (Apgj 8:32 pm)
"For GOD'S GRACE is revealed for the salvation of
all people, as it raise US to deny wickedness and worldly lusts and live in it
moist and godly present age." (Titus 2:11-12)
Then the Jews as a people and nation did not want to
follow Jesus, we eventually received Paul's preaching with the NEW MESSAGE. He
realized that a new time had come for Israel. He should go to the Gentiles with
the new message, for the Jews were about to reject The kingdom, but despite
that, he first went to the Jews, but when they rejected it in the cities in
which he preached, then he went to the Gentiles. Paul was concerned with the
salvation of the Jews all his life. (See my book: Christianity Jewish Roots,
where I write a lot about this.)
By the Christian the rapture of the congregation and
Jesus' return to the Mount of Olives, then it becomes Pauline the teaching
TAKEN AWAY. It has then had its time. The purpose of it is not to win the
nations before God, but to take out the Christian congregation. "Simeon
has told how God took care from the beginning to get a people from Gentiles for
his name." (Apgj 15:14)
Jesus' teaching will be the spiritual basis of the
"kingdom for Israel", which is the same as 1000 year kingdom. Then
again the Jews will be the leaders in the world. They shall be kings and
priests over the whole earth. We look forward to this happening, but before
that time is coming, then unfortunately the world is entering the terrible
apocalyptic times as both Tanach and NT describe, but the one who takes refuge
in the Jews Messiah, will be saved.
Oskar Edin Indergaard, Tingvoll.
03.11.2003 18:52
Contribution by Stein
A Johannessen.
It is only the Jewish People who can open the
for all the other people of the earth. He
left them for 2000 years ago and he will not come back before they ask him to
come back to them. The Lord of Lords and King Of Kings Jesus Christ
Yahshua Hamasiach
Pray for Israel,
and the Jewish People, and for the Peace of Jerusalem.
Chronicles-2 7:14 If my people,
which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my
face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will
forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
Stein A Johannessen