Speculation  concerns the origin of the Antichrist




The Nephew




The nephew relationship with Abraham?.The Assyrian ? (Tribe of Dan?) Psalm 2

Amir Tsarfati: Who Really Controls the Middle East?


Then the great Empire of the Antichrist will begin where once was Attila's empire   and the new Xerxes will descend with great and countless numbers,



The Nephew






The Assyrian Antichrist


The Assyrian

The Abraham Accords

Is This The Antichrist Deal of the Century? | Marking the End Times with Dr. Mark Hitchcock


Search for the lost tribes of israel

Lost Tribes of Israel found


Where Are The Lost Tribes Of Israel? | Quest For The Lost Tribes | Parable



What Happened to the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel?


Antichrist Mysteries - Is He Coming From Dan? - PART 1



Israel Welcomes Thousands of Members of Lost Tribe of Israel


What Happens to the Tribe of Dan?



Midnight Ride Special: The Serpent Tribe of Dan and the End Times



3..The coming of Christ

 Dan's Tribe page 80-81 use translator


1.Terms in Biblical Prophesy

Dan's Tribe page 50-69 use translator

Its not Leviticus. 49:16-17 its Genesis

The Norwegian Bible have divided the first books in the Bible as the 5 books of Moses 1.Mos-2 Mos-3, 4,5 Mos.

He's Already Arrived But People Don't See It...


Who Is the Antichrist?


What Ethnicity Will The Antichrist Be?


What Ethnicity Will The Antichrist Be?




The Mythology and Symbolism of Bees in Christianity & Judaism


Palazzo Barberini (Barberini Palace) in Rome: what to see in the palace and museum


Ancient Bloodlines/Contemporary Power


We have to be careful with this theory, and proceed cautiously in this area, it reminds me of Hitler's race theory, but I am skeptically interesting.

(Genesis 3:15) The seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman.

It is very easy to come to a dangerous conclusion and accuse innocent people of being Devil's workers,

Half of my family has red hair, I'm ash  blonde and gray-blue eyes.

This could easily turn into a witch hunt !!

It is not for us to cleanse up in the field!!

The Biblical Seed War | Mondo Gonzales


Scott Mitchell - Nephilium, Aliens, Angels & Demons [Ep. 51]



Speculation reaches it relates to the origin of the Antichrist according to this. Nostradamus he will appear in Asia.

Jewish ethnicity for for the Jews to receive the antichrist, he must prove that he has a Jewish ancestry. That's where the phrase nephew comes in.

In other words, a kinship Jews and Arabs are half-brothers Abrahamic sons Sara Isaac, Hagar Ishmael ?

Jacob and Esau The Descendants of Esau? - Bible History



Current DNA analyses reveals our origin to the surprise of many.

Adolf Hitler, as many believe, had partial Jewish blood. Also mentions Alfred Rosenberg.

Remarkably, it turns out that Anti-Semetism and Jew-hatred springs somewhat of Jewish origin

 A new world economic order will emerge in Asia away from the dollar as the main currency likely the Chinese currency yuan

Probably a new digital currency.

See economic instability

We see the contours of what today economics will it will be the pillars of antichrist power Ezekiel 28


Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey.Rev 10

In the case of bees and honey, there is a connection there but I am not clear what the Lord will convey.

there are many contexts Promised the land of Milk and Honey, Dans Tribe Samson,1 Antichrist Napoleon (bee swarm)

Rome holiday bees coat of arms.

Honey liquid gold. Many symbols of wealth and prosperity. Maybe one of the main pillars of antichrist power.



will descend

Angel technology

Cheep clean Energy  

Mr Fix It     



Greek Mythology


The Energy of the Universe


Will in force this to come true !!

As in the days of Noa



Then the great Empire of the Antichrist will begin where once was Attila's empire   and the new Xerxes will descend with great and countless numbers,

will descend, Prince of Persia Daniel 10:13-21  

Angelic war,  Satan and his angels thrown out of the second heaven ( in connection whit the rapture) Revelation 12:7-12

We go up

They come down

2Th 2:11  And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:


The Great UFO Coverup | Prophecy Watchers


After the rapture the western world will be tremendously weakened millions of Christians some in prominent position are gone.

Alas, how we will see a great nation ( Europe USA Russia or Countries of Christianity Plural ?)
sorely troubled and the holy law in utter ruin.
Christianity (governed) throughout by other laws
, (Apostasy
when a new source of gold and silver is discovered (prosperity the new world order of Technology and Economics)

This will be the opportunity for the muhamedans  Islam as prophesied by Nostradamus.

He will come to the Romans thru Babel

Blu tur.jpg

The Blue Turban King entered into Foix (France)
And he will reign less than the evolution of Saturn:  (the 3-27 years, the last one 7 years Revelation
The White Turban King Byzantium heart banished
Sun, Mars, and Mercury near Aquarius. (C.9:73)



Blue color stands for the sky Heavens

Blåfarge står for himmelen


Chief of the world will the great "Chyren" be,( the similarity whit Christ is striking)
Plus Ultra behind, loved, feared, dreaded:
His fame and praise will go beyond the heavens, (
He is wiser then Daniel Ezekiel 28)
And with the sole title of Victor will he be quite satisfied


Shocking Dream About the Future

Randy Kay


Islam en de Antichrist | John MacArthur


The Antichrist - A Man Possessed By Satan


How The Antichrist Rises to Power (Rise of The Antichrist Movie)


Why The Antichrist Comes From This Particular Tribe? | Mar Mari Emmanuel


Bruk oversetter I nettleser til norsk


 Kongen med den blå Turbanen kommer inn i Foix (Frankrike)

Og han vil regjere mindre enn Saturns rotasjon :Bibelen sier 7år

Den hvite turbankongen Bysants hjerte forvist

Sol, Mars og Merkur nær Vannmannen. (C.9:73)


Sjef (Høvding) over verden vil den store "Chyren" bli, Pluss Ultra bak seg, elsket,fryktet, fryktelig, Hans berømmelse og lovprisning vil nå inn i himmlene Og den eneste med tittelen Seier Herre vil han bli helt tilfreds .Likheten med en Kristus beskrivelse er slående Anti Krist betyr istedenfor og imot (Pluss Ultra bak seg)Satans velde og Makt denne verdens Gud (Chyren= Excalibur Middealdersk Myte, Kong Arturs sverd)( Se Nåtidens_Tempelriddere



Spekulasjoner når det gjelder Antikrists opprinnelse




Spekulasjoner når det gjelder Antikrists opprinnelse I følge Nostradamus skal han komme til syne(opprinne) i Asia.

Jødisk etnisitet for at jødene skal ta i mot antikrist så må han bevise at han har et jødisk opphav det er der uttrykket nevøen kommer inn.

Altså et slektskap Jøder og arabere er halvbrødr

e Abrahams sønner Sara Isak, Hagar Ishmael ?

Hvem er den falske profet. Sannsynlig Islam.

Jakob og  Esau?

Dagens DNA analyser avslører vårt opphav til manges overraskelse.

Adolf Hitler hadde som mange mener delvis Jødisk blod. Nevner også Alfred Rosenberg.

Merkverdig nok viser det seg at Antisemetisme og Jødehat springer noe ut av Jødisk opprinnelse.

En ny økonomisk verdensordning vil stige frem i Asia bort fra dollaren som hoved valuta sannsynlig den kinesiske valuta yuan

Sannsynlig en ny digital betalings valuta.

Se økonomisk instabilitet (Engelsk)

Vi ser konturene av det i dag økonomi vil være en av hoved pillaren i antikrists makt. Esekiel 28


10 Og jeg tok den lille bok av engelens hånd og åt den; og i min munn var den søt som honning; og da jeg hadde ett den, svidde det i min buk. Åpenbaringen 10


Når det gjelder bier og honning så er det en sammenheng der men jeg har ikke klart for meg hva Herren vil formidle

det er mange sammenhenger Løftes landet Melk og Honning, Dans Stamme Samson,1 Antikrist Napoleon (bisvermen)

Bokrullen som smakte som honning

Roma ferie bier våpenmerke (skjold)

Honning Flytene Gull. Mange symboler av rikdom og fremgang. Hoved pillaren i antikrists makt?

Dans stamme Jesu Gjenkomst 3 s 80

Temaer iBibelsk Profeti DEL 1s.50-69.)


Stein A Johannessen