
"Velkommen til Oskar Edin Indergaards



Siden inneholder emner om Israel,

Midt-Østen,Det profetiske Ordet,

Og  Endetiden,

Jesu gjenkomst og forholdet mellom jødedom og kristendom."

Welcome to Oskar Edin Indergaards


The page contains topics about Israel,

The Middle East, the prophetic Word,

And the end time,

Jesus ' return and the relationship between Judaism and Christianity. "













Promoted to Glory


Borte fra legemet og hjemme hos Herren.







Siste Artikler

Se en fullstendig oversikt over alle artikler på neste side


See a complete list of all articles on the next page, only Norwegian

All the articles can easily be converted to any language whit the new translator in the browser.

It's probably more complicated whit the PDF books.


But I am sorry to say that the auto translation is not always correct, error + - 3 to 10%?


Takk for at dere leser de artiklene som jeg legger ut på min internettside. Vi er inne i en tid da forståelsen av Guds ord i N.T. holder på å forandre seg. Stadig flere troende mennesker ser og lærer at det er Paulus sin undervisning som gjelder i vår tid.

Tiden for Jesu komme for den kristne menigheten nærmer seg. Det ser vi av alle de endetidstegnene som er oppe i tiden.


I Jesu Navn.


Med vennlig hilsen: Oskar Edin Indergaard.



Thank you for reading the articles that I post on my internet site. We are in a time when understanding the word of God in N.T. keeps on changing. More and more believing people see and learn that it is Paul's teaching that applies in our day.

The time for Jesus ' coming for the Christian congregation approaches. We see all the end-time characters that are up in the time.


In the name of Jesus.


Sincerely, Oskar Edin Indergaard.





Jeg har den store glede å få gi ut Oskars Edin Indergaard sine livsverk ,og sin Fars Ole Kristian Indergaard sine livsverk som E bøker.

Jeg vil gi en stor takk til familien Indergaard som har gitt meg lov å gi ut bøkene gratis.

Herren vil lønne dem.


I have the great pleasure of giving out Oskars Edin Indergaard's life’s work, and his father's Ole Kristian Indergaard's life’s work as E books.

I will give a big thanks to the Indergaard’s family who have given me the permission to give out the books for free.

The Lord will reward them.




De som vil ære deres Livsverk, deres enorme bok produksjon, om et meget vanskelig evne som, Eskatologi (Læren om endetiden)

Det er ikke noen som har skrevet så omfattende og klarer å belyse emnet fra forskjellige ståsteder og vinkler.

Bøkene er ikke lettleste, de er en inngående studie i Israel og Endetiden.

De egner seg best til bibel studie,og bibel studie ringer.


Som takk for deres arbeide, kan de som vil en sende en gave til Karmel som Oskar støttet hele Livet.



Konto nr til Karmel 30302335407

Those who will honor their life's work,and their enormous book production, of a very difficult terms ,like, eschatology (the doctrine of the end time)

It is very few who has written so extensively and manages to illuminate the subject from different standpoints and angles.

The books are not easy to read they are an inbound study of Israel and the end time.

They are best suited for Bible study rings.


As a thanks to their work, those who want to, can send a gift to Karmel as Oskar  supported all of his life.



Account Number to Karmel  IBAN:NO81 30302335407-BIC/SWIFT-address DNBA-NOKKXXX


Voice of Joy: Navnet Jesus - Amen

Navnet Jesus

Et bilde som inneholder symbol, emblem, skjold, rød

Automatisk generert beskrivelse

Oskars Musikkønske.



Stein A Johannessen

Rune Sindland



O Jesus, åpne du mitt øye

Lina Sandell



Bok nr 1



2.Terms in Biblical Prophesy

Bok nr 2



3.Terms in Biblical Prophesy

Bok nr 3





OK indergaard

Antikristen kommer snart igjen


Israel Gog_002.jpggogogantichr.jpgIsraelilysavend.jpg Anti .K .S.I_001.jpg  Nårskal M Oppr.jpg 



Lydopptak Taler Oskar Edin Indergaard

Oversikt Dessverre dårlig kvalitet.

Kansje noen som er dataflink kan forbedre lyden med AI lydkonvertering?





1.The rapture of the Christian community

2.The kingdom of God in Israel

3.The Gospel of Matthew

4. Christianity’s Jewish Roots

5. Judaism and Christianity Jesus and Paul







7. God's promises to Israel

8. Pauls's letter to the Galatians

9. God's plans with Israel and the Christian congregation

10. Israel and the Christian congregation

11. Pauls's letter to the Hebrews

12 Pauls's letter to the Romans








2.Jesu gjenkomst.The coming of Christ


3.Jesu gjenkomst.The coming of Christ


4.Jesu gjenkomst.The coming of Christ


5.Jesu gjenkomst.The coming of Christ



4.bøker. 4.books




2.Jødenes Konge.The King of the Jews


3.Jødenes Konge.The King of the Jews


4.Jødenes Konge.The King of the Jews





Nasjonal Biblioteket






Når jeg skannet inn bøkene kom jeg til å dessverre til å ikke stille inn skanneren til Norsk. Bøkene så jo bra ut ferdig skannet.

Dessverre var ikke skanneren innstilt på Norsk, den var innstilt på Engelsk dermed så kom en feil med Æ Ø Å som ødelegger teksten når den kopieres til andre formater som oversetter programmer.



Jeg har funnet en vei til å rette bøkene til Norsk , men noe av teksten må nok rettes etter kopiering.




Regards Hilsen Stein A Johannessen



An Addition to the books



When I scanned the books, I came unfortunately not to be aware of to set the scanner to Norwegian. The books looked all right after scanning.

Unfortunately, the scanner was set in English by the producer, so it became an error with Æ Ø Å, It distorts the text when it is copied to other formats, or to translator programs.. But I will begin to translate the books. Terms in Biblical Prophecy. They are the most difficult to translate to English OK Indergaard writes sometimes very academically and in a very old way of Norwegian in his sentence.



The books unfortunately, for the time being is only in Norwegian. I will appreciate to foreigners if someone will take on the tremendous task to translate the books to their own languish. The Lord will reward them.

And spread them!


There are folks out there who are much more capable of doing this than me.!!


You will probably learn some Norwegian one the way. If you can speak Norwegian you will be understood both in Sweden and Denmark.


When a translator's program is used. The result can be both awful and funny so it comes down to understanding the text and the sentence, and correcting it.


Some funny twists whit the Norwegian Languish


Hell, in Norway it often freezes over.


Toten in Norway (German death)


So we have both Hell and Death in Norway


Microsoft Translator


Norwegian letters, English keyboard - The Norwegian American



8-22  The new translator from google works wary well whit PDF files direct just add the translator to your google browser

highlight the Norwegian text and choose languish


How to convert pdf books to word

Translate PDF Files to Any Language


pdf trans.jpg



New AI translation tools are emerging every day now.







I will come back for more information about the Norwegian language Æ Ø Å is in the Norwegian alphabet, and abbreviations in the books such as  Åp = Revelation.


 NT = New Testament.-

GT = Old testament. 

åruke= year week =7 years.

The Norwegian Bible have divided the first books in the Bible as the 5 books of Moses 1.Mos-2 Mos-3, 4,5 Mos.


"Tanach" is the same as the "Old Testament." The

The word "Tanach" is a shorting of the words "Torah", which is erroneously

Translated with the word "law", "Neveim", meaning "prophets" and

"Ketubim," meaning "scriptures." Tanach is the overall expression of

Whole of the Old Testament.





